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27 대한골대사학회 지침서편찬위원회 2022 골다공증 진료지침 2022. Korean Society for Bone and Mineral Research; 2020.
26 권인숙,김은정,김혜영,박용순,박은주,백진경,이미경,진유리,차연수,최미자,허영란,황지윤 2022 식사요법을 포함한 임상영양학. Paju: Gyomoonsa; 2022.
25 허채옥·권순형·김은미·원선임·박용순·박진희·김상연·정경아·김은영·박유신 2021 PRINCIPLES OF NUTRITION. Seoul: Soohaksa; 2021.
24 Gerald Litwack 2021 Vitamins and Hormones. Amsterdam: Elsevier Science; 2021.
23 The Korean Nutrition Society 2020 2020 한국인 영양소 섭취기준(KDRIs). The Korean Nutrition Society. Daejeon: seilfocus; 2020.
22 권인숙, 김은정, 김혜영, 박용순, 박은주, 백진경, 이미경, 진유리, 차연수, 최미자, 허영란, 황지윤 2020 식사요법을 포함한 임상영양학. Paju: Gyomoonsa; 2020.
21 대한골대사학회 지침서편찬위원회 2020 골다골증 진료지침 2020. Korean Society for Bone and Mineral Research; 2020.
20 허채옥·권순형·최영진·백희준·오은주·원선임·박용순·김상연·김은영·박유신·김기랑 2019 ADVANCED NUTRITION. Seoul: Soohaksa; 2019.
19 김소윤, 김영선 외 29명 2018 노인보건학. Seoul: Gyechuk; 2018
18 권대영, 이영은, 김명선, 김순희, 강순아, 박용순, 박희숙, 이경은, 이명숙, 이해정, 이현숙, 정경란 2017 한식(K-Diet)을 말하다 - 역사, 문화 그리고 건강. Wanju: Korea Food Research Institute; 2017.
17 The Korean Society of Sarcopenia 2017 Sarcopenia. The Korean Society of Sarcopenia. Paju: Koonja; 2017.
16 Huh CO, Kwon SH, An B, Choi YJ, Kim EM, Oh EJ, Won SI, Park … 2017 WORLD FOOD CULTURE. Seoul: Soohaksa; 2017.
15 Park Y 2016 Dietary Guideline in Textbook of Osteoporosis. Korean Society for Bone and Mineral Research. Paju: Koonja; 2016.
14 Huh CO, Kwon SH, Kim EM, Won SI, Park Y, Park JH, Kim SY, Ju… 2016 Principles of Nutrition. Seoul: Soohaksa; 2016.
13 Park Y 2015 Lipid in Dietary Reference Intakes for Koreans. The Korean Nutrition Society. Seoul: 2015.
12 Huh CO, Kwon SH, Ahn B, Choi YJ, Kim EM, Oh EJ, Won SI, Park… 2014 World Food Culture. Seoul: Soohaksa; 2014.
11 Lee M, Park Y 2014 Fermented Soypastes, Doenjang and Cheonggukjang, and Obesity: In Nutrition in the Prevention and Treatment of Abdominal Obesity. Watson RR. Amsterdam: Elsevier/Academic Press; 2014.
10 Kang MI, Gong H, Kim N, Kim D, Kim M, Kim S, Kim J, Kim T, K… 2013 Korean Society for Bone and Mineral Research. Textbook of osteoporosis. Seoul: Koonja; 2013.
9 Harris WS, von Schacky C, Park Y 2013 Standardizing Methods for Assessing Omega-3 Fatty Acid Biostatus: In The Omega-3 Fatty Acid Deficiency Syndrome. McNamara RK. New York: Nova Science Publishers; 2013.
8 Nelms MN, Sucher KP, Lacey K, Roth SL, Lee M, Kim Y, Im Y, L… 2012 Nutrition Therapy and Pathophysiology Paju: Yangseowon; 2012.
7 Huh CO, Kwon SH, Kim EM, Won SI, Park Y, Park JH, Kim SY, Ju… 2012 Principles of nutrition. Seoul: Soohaksa; 2012.
6 Park Y 2008 Dietary guideline. In Korean Society for the study of obesity, Bariatrics. Seoul: Korea Medical Book Publisher; 2008.
5 Park Y 2008 Dietary guideline. In Current Issues for Cardiovascular Disease and Nutrition. Korean Society of Lipidology and Atherosclerosis. Seoul: Korean Society of Lipidology and Atherosclerosis; 2008.
4 Huh CO, Kwon SH, Kim EM, Won SI, Park Y, Park JH, Kim SY, Ju… 2008 Principles of Nutrition. Seoul: Soohaksa; 2008.
3 Park Y 2006 CLA and cancer. In Nutrition and Cancer Prevention. Awad AB, Bradford PG. Boca Raton, Fla.: CRC/Taylor & Francis; 2006.
2 Park Y et al. 2005 CLA and Cancer, In: Nutrition and Cancer Prevention Atif Awad and Peter Bradford eds, Marcel Dekker, Inc, NY, NY, 2005.
1 Park Y et al. 2005 Nutrition Textbook, Hoyil Publication, Korea 2005.